PM Narendra Modi On Bengal Today Today Narendra Modi addressed to the Bengal people from Hooghly. He confirms his 'Sonar Bangla' agenda in his speech from Bandel public Rally. Delhi High Court Granted Bail For Disha Ravi Top news of the day: Delhi high court granted Bail for Disha Ravi who arrested allegedly for 'Toolkit' case. She was suspected to involve farmers protests against firm laws. Corona cases rise again in 5 states Active Corona virus cases rose suddenly for 5th consecutive days in 5 states, Maharashtra, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Panjab. Sudden spike of Corona cases went past 1.5 lacs marks again after a reducing gap of 17 days and total number crossed 1.10 crores according to Health Ministry. Health Ministry also confirms 1.17 crores Corona Vaccine administered across the country.
This blog 'Page One News' all about of top news of seven days updated daily across the world.